Investment and portfolio wise my growth will be slow. Each time I get paid some money is siphoned off into my investment pool. That pool will not be able to do much of anything, but on the bright side it is a bonus month (I get paid once every 2 weeks), which means an extra pay check will be occurring this month, and it could not come at a better time. In addition, I will be adding to my positions in UL, K, and TGT this month for sure, with possible additions to MCD as well. I also have a mind to start a position in PEP. No matter what happens those positions along with MSFT are my targets for growth over the next 2 months. Once the wedding is over, I will likely be able to add a little bit more to those positions as well.
Beer wise, fall is a great time. Everyone knows there are about a ton of new pumpkin beers, which are usually pretty good. Oktoberfest also starts to show up too. My real interest though will be the likely early appearance of awesome winter beers. Those tend to be my favorites of all the seasonal beers. Otherwise, I have been drinking less beer; a suit was tailored for my wedding, so ruining that would be a big mistake.
Sports wise, my teams so far are doing good for the most part. I have no BPL team, but I must say I am partial to Leicester City after watching them earn unlikely draws and a win over Manchester United - no one saw that coming. NFL wise my team is 3-1, which is awesome. NHL wise hockey starts soon. Lastly, fantasy sports wise my one team is awesome, my other is total garbage.
Goal wise for this month:
1 - Write a few more sports entries.
2 - Get all that wedding and moving stuff done early so I can enjoy both to the extent I can.
3 - Score a goal in my soccer league, seriously its been a long time since that has happened.
Let's see how this goes.